Monday, May 12, 2008

Confusion In Life

[Verse 1]
Dear Lord you show me the best of times
Show me the worst of times
And I fight for what I want
But I die for what I need

As I'm going on, through this life
I keep myself off the ice
I will hide from all strife
Dare, would I look back twice

Couldnt care what people say
Hell, I keep my head up any day
Travel through, the stormy way
Imma finish my way

What I mean, what I mean
Confusion runnin my mind.
What I mean, what I mean
I still keep bustin' these rhymes.
What I mean, what I mean
I don't have this free time.
What I mean, is what I mean
Can I still drop you a line?

[Verse 2]
The pool of lies
Innocent lives just hides
Waters of hate
Have you ever learned how to appreciate?

You isn't cool
Playa, yous just a fool
Yup shua, just bomb in that pool
You aren't ever going to rule

Now you have heard my take
Can I please get a break?
A five, a ten
Then we'll start it up again

What I mean, what I mean
Confusion runnin my mind.
What I mean, what I mean
I still keep bustin' these rhymes.
What I mean, what I mean
I don't have this free time.
What I mean, is what I mean
Can I still drop you a line?

Confusion In Life Reflection

The song that I presented was good. The reason I wrote it is because I wanted to show how I wanted to stay away from drugs throughout my life. I wanted to show people that I actually have a life set out in front of me, instead of doing drugs. I want to live a happy life with children and no drugs or gang life involved.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Confusion In Life Analysis

I wanted to write a story that related to my life and I go through it each day. I thought that my life related to me the best and that it would define my song perfectly. I sang my song about how there is all this confusion on mind however, that I am still able to make it through each day. I wanted to make this song a rap so I tried to think of how it would be in Gang Violence places in Los Angeles. However, I know that's kind of harsh but I tried to relate my life into the Gang Violence place. So in my song it's not so harsh it is more on the lesser side of the story. I also talk about how I don't have all this time to waste because sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like I just want to stop time and hide from the stress.

I started of my song singing about how the Lord shows me the best and the worse of the times while I proceed through life. When I smile I basically smile to make it look like that whatever is hitting me hard I try to hide the feelings that I am producing. The feelings that I produce are gained through the actions that either I produce or that others reflect upon me. As though I hate the worse of times the best of times are when the real smile comes out. I also say how I fight for what I want but I die for what I need. This is all true because you wouldn't fight for what you need because you don't know what you until you it comes to you. You would rather fight for what you want than die for what you want.

I started to sing about how I am going to try and keep myself away from drugs such as ice. However, I really am trying to stay away from all drugs because I don't want to mess up my life but get addicted to something dumb that's worthless. I also said how I am trying to hide from all strife. Which basically means that I am trying to stay away from fights, such as vigorous conflicts. I am trying to become friends with people and getting to know them instead of getting into fights with my friends over stupid conflicts. I am saying that I don't want to even look back at it twice because I don't. Once something bad happens I am always trying to be forgiving or asking for forgiveness. However, my friends and I have grown closer together from getting into a strife but I don't want to loose any of my friends from using fists in any kind of situations.
I did sing about how I don't care what people say and how I am going to try am travel through my life my own way. That isn't really how I think but sometimes it is because when I get mad I just don't care. However, when I need help I care what people say and how they help me react to the situation. I also show this through helping people and asking for other people to help me.

In my second verse I start it off saying how there are pools of lies just hanging around waiting for people to get sucked in by Satan's wrong doings. In Los Angeles innocent people die everyday because they get into things and try to stop things from happening but then the accomplice shoots the person that tries to stop then from proceeding with the actions they are trying to perform. However, I said now how innocent people are trying to hide because they don't want to be killed from something dumb. I also talk about the waters of hate that is also produced by Satan's wrong doings. I say has anyone taught how to appreciate. The meaning behind this is has anyone taught you how to appreciate the life that you live because you never know when you last day will be.

In conclusion, this analysis that I just wrote is saying that I am relating my song to my personal life and rapping about how I think my life is and what I am trying to do to fix my life. And just to end it off good the name of my song is called "Confusion In Life".

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Da Aina Sonnet

Flying between the sunshine and the sea
And now with trees sway in the clearly breeze
Hawaiian islands why can't we just be
The eight islands of the Hawaiian chain

With tons of haoles bringing their sunscreen
Number fifty in the line, which is the state
The taro and the poi that is so clean
The sun and beach oh baby it just waits

Leave the Hawaiian country lands alone
The poly's are the founders of the land
Queen Liliuokalani had the throne
The lava rocks cooled and turned into sand

Kamehameha was the noble king
All in all we are under his noble wing

Sonnet Analysis

The reason behind Michael Zane and I writing about "Da Aina" is because we thought that soon people are going to forget the real meaning of the Hawaiian Islands. The real meaning behind the Hawaiian Islands was that basically only Hawaiians were supposed to live here and keep the country, country but now that technology is getting better more housing is being built leading to new possibilities in life. So as I grow older I want to remember a poem that will always tell me that there is a lot being left behind about Hawai`i. For example that history of the Hawaiian Islands and the important people that played important roles in making Hawai`i a better society for all of us.

A day in Hawai`i is different compared to the mainland because in Hawai`i you can see the trees sway in the wind when the wind is barely even blowing. The day in Hawai`i is also different because some days I think, to myself there is so much things that some people don't know about that happened here, that I might know about. Like all the soldiers that died in battle. For instance the warriors that were linked to Kamehameha and the soldiers that died in Pearl Harbor. As I know I know that I would be pretty freaked out by all the spirits that rome this island.

The history of Hawai`i because today we still talk about the history of Hawai`i and how it affected our community. Kamehameha the Great reigned for a long time. Kamehameha the Great then died in 1819. After Kamehameha died Liholiho took his position until Kamehameha the II was old enough to reign his father's position. Five years later Kamehameha the II was assassinated and Kamehameha the III reigned his positions. So as you can see the Kamehameha dynasty reigned for pretty long. The Queen of Hawai`i back in the day was Queen Liliuokalani was one of the last reigning monarchs of Hawai`i. She helps annex the state of Hawai`i into the United States.

The volcanoes that erupted in Hawaii such as Diamond Head, Kilauea and etc. The lava that cooled then formed the land and started to grow plants and things that created the island of Hawaii. The plants that were made created the country that today is being consumed and built on. Then on the beach the waves used to crash on the lava rocks which turned the lava rocks into sand, which now we can walk on. Basically the reef in the ocean is the lava rock that didn't reach the surface of the water to make the land larger. For example in Makapu'u the reef out there didn't fully reach the surface that caused the land to not be larger.

If you look at the Hawaiian Islands they each have their own uniqueness that makes each island different. Some islands are larger than the others. The size of the islands doesn't matter. However the thing and history that goes down in that is the thing that counts. If you have a bad government that isn't backed up by good reigning kings or government leaders then your government and society will fall to the ground. See in Hawai`i we have good leaders that support our every move, which just makes our states more positive. The positive ness is from the actions that they perform. The positive ness gives our congress and government the confidence to make new laws and pass laws that makes our state become less destructive and better in helping the civilizations wise.

The taro plant that we used and turn into poi is Hawaiian favorite. The poi gives the Hawaiians the big bodies because the taste of poi is so sweet and delicious that even I could eat poi forever. I love to make poi as well because for the tourists that don't know what they are doing try to just eat the taro plant straight for the root. However if you do that there is this thing in cleaning process that has to be performed. The reason behind this is because if you bite right into the taro plant at the root you get this itchy scratchy feeling in your throat that makes you want to drink water. However, it starts to get worse and worse like when you swallow it feels like your swallowing with knives in your throat.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mary Jane

Holden is missing Jane like crazy. He doesn't know what he wants to do with his life other than marrying Jane. Holden is mad at the fact that he can't hook up with Jane because she thinks that he is a drug addict. Holden is getting depressed and needs to think of something fast to do. He just found out that Jane is going to move to Amsterdam. The next day he found out that Jane's flight was that night Friday not week Friday. Jane left to Amsterdam and Holden's heart was broken into pieces because of his love lost. Holden thought about what he was going to do because he wanted Jane in his life as his wife.

Holden writes a book about the interactions that he and Jane encountered with each other. Holden starts off the book talking about how him and Jane used to always spend time with each other and how he only trusted her. He only trusted her because he proclaims that Jane was the only one that would keep a secret. Holden then writes about the dream that he had about her. It went a little something like this. "Holden had a dream about Jane and then getting together and making plans about starting a new life. Jane and him had sex and Jane got pregnant. Jane and Holden basically ran away with each other to be together and created a family. They both got a job at a farm and gained a lot of money. They built a house with some money that they gained from working and lived happily."

Holden then writes about how Jane was the only person that he showed his baseball mitt to because she was the only person that he trusted and plus because Jane would write poems on his glove so when he was in the game and he was bored he could just look down and read the poems on his glove. Jane would write love poems about Holden and other things. Holden still had the glove and made that the picture on the front cover of the book.

Holden got addicted to weed and had to stop writing the book. Holden said that weed is his stress reliever about things that have turned out the wrong way in his life. Such as how Jane has moved away when Holden want her to be his everything. Holden says that he isn't addicted and that weed makes him forget about his disappointment in life. For example dropping out of high school and not being able to go to college.

Holden gives the book a title and he calls it "Marry Jane". The significance of calling the book Mary Jane is because Holden got addicted to weed while he was trying to write a book implied to be given to Jane. Holden knows that he using weed everyday was going to do something to him either that he was going to get addicted or get cancers. Holden then travels to Amsterdam in search of Jane. When he finally arrives in Amsterdam he sees that weed is legal in Amsterdam and wastes his time smoking it up. He doesn't even look for Jane because he smokes weed everyday while he stays and wastes all his money and time on weed. He finally gets an awaking call from his instinct about the book when he was looking in his bag for some weed. He then goes out to find Jane.

Holden gets fed up about the whole subject and throws the book away in the garbage can and leaves. That day Jane was going to the beach and she sees this book in the garbage can and it catches her eye. It caught her eye because it said Mary Jane on the cover. She reads the book and sees that Holden has written this book in search of her and loss of her. She flies to New York in search of Holden. She finds Holden and starts to break down crying in apology of leaving him. Jane and Holden get married and they have sex and Jane gets pregnant. They live at Holden's house and Holden goes through intervention to get off of weed and ends his drug streak. Jane and Holden live happily ever after.

Mary Jane Analysis

The thing that I plan to write my fictional story about is Holden ten years later when Holden still has feelings for Jane. Jane moved away to Amsterdam so Holden is missing her like crazy and can't think if he should go and visit her or sit around thinking of her. One day while Holden was smoking he figured out that he is going to write a book for her and then go and see her and give it to her as a love letter kind of thing. Well in the action of starting the book Holden gets addicted to marijuana. He says that it's a stress reliever that he uses to relieve the stress over Jane. He uses it three times a day. Anyways, Holden starts to write the book talking about how he misses this girl that was his high school sweetheart.

He starts to go into all the things that he would do for this girl and the dreams that he has had about her. Holden doesn't give the name of the girl he just calls her the only girl that he has ever trusted. Holden starts to talk about the baseball glove that has these poems all over it and how he only showed it to this girl. Holden talks about all the stories that they had with each other. However, Holden is trying to finish the book but marijuana is taking over his life. Holden doesn't finish the book. He searches for a title that would relate his life about Jane to the book. He names the book Mary Jane because he says that he screwed up getting hooked on marijuana when he was in love with Jane.

Holden takes a trip to Amsterdam and doesn't find Jane so he throws the book away and leaves all stressed. One day when Jane was walking through the park she finds this book and reads it and thinks that this related to Holden and her. She gets sad at herself and flies to New York searching for Holden. She finds Holden and they go out on a date. Jane gets Holden off of marijuana through intervention and they live happily ever after.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Shadowing Holden

The first year I tried out for Punahou School I got an acceptance letter in the mail saying that I was accepted to Punahou School for the 2007-2008 school year. As I saw this letter I felt like my body went into shock because I was so surprised that I was going to be attending one of the best private high school on the island of Hawaii. Better yet it is even one of the best schools in the whole United States. I started to plan out the sports that I wanted to play at Punahou and excel in. As I read in the newspaper over the years I read that the football, baseball, wrestling, basketball, and others were the top sports at Punahou. Also I read that those sports have won championships. I had to think about it for a while because I knew that most of these sports overlapped and I knew that I couldn't play all of them at the same time. I chose to go with football, wrestling, and baseball.

During the summer I had to take a mandatory summer program for people entering Punahou as a freshman. I guess to participate in this program you had to have some kind of Polynesian ethnicity. As for me I am Hawaiian so I got placed in this program. Well the program was called Malama Bridge. When I first heard of this program I thought that I was going to be with all these stuck up haoles. People that would not even talk to you and give you a look that I refer to as the "stink eye". However, when the first day of Malama Bridge finally arrived I came to figure out that I was the whitest kid in the program. That made me laugh on the inside. I can still remember the first day and I will never forget it. I was trying to find the paper with my name on it but Guile was sitting in the seat where my paper was located. That is how I came to meet Guile and we later became good friends.

As summer was going by quickly and Malama Bridge was getting harder by the hour, I came to figure out that football conditioning and try-outs were coming up. I started to lift in the weight room and run to get in shape for the football season. The first day of summer conditioning was here and I was ready for it. The practice was brutal at the beginning because I was not in physical shape for football. After I ran I was breathing hard and it made it harder for me to run. After conditioning for football and Malama Bridge for summer. The week of try-outs arrived. I was ready to try my hardest to make the JV football team and play the football season at Punahou. However, my coach told us DBs that at the end of practice he was going to let some of us go to play Intermediate football. I was thinking to myself that by the end of the day that I may get cut from the team because I was new. So at the end of practice we had our group meeting and he called my friend from my old school and I over and told us that he felt better if we played Intermediate because we needed to work on our footwork.

I played Intermediate football however I was not a starter on the team. Every practice I worked super hard to try and make the starting 11 squad on defense. I never did start one game. However I played every single game at least 10 plays per game. But the bad part was that one-week of practice I was out sick because in the past few years' back I got really sick with pneumonia and I had to stop playing baseball for the whole year. So now when I get sick I have to watch myself so that I don't repeat myself and get pneumonia again. However, after that week of not practicing and sitting out on the side, I went back to practice. On the first day of practice back I felt like I was invisible and dominating in tackling drills and everything. I got super lucky and my coach started me in the scrimmaging part in practice. I was really hyped up and happy and I told myself to play my best.

As I was playing there was this one play that I was thinking that the quarterback was going to throw the ball to the receiver on my side and that I was going to have a chance to intercept the ball. And that was exactly what happened. I will emphasize what happened. So the ball was snapped and the quarterback dropped back in the pocket. He searched for an open receiver and looked right down my side of the field. As the sweat dropped down from his face, the ball was thrown into the air. As I saw the ball in the air I sprinted to where I thought the ball was going to reach. However as I tried to jump up for the interception I collided with the safety. All I remember was a pop in my knee and me slamming into the hard ground and letting out a roar in pain.

The coaches and players circled me as I was telling where the pain was. My coach told me that I had a torn ACL in my knee. I was taken away in a cart by the trainers. As I reached the training room I could even walk and I had to use crutches to get inside. The trainer then announces to me that I had torn cartledge in my knee and that I sprained my ACL. The trainer told me that I was done for the year in football. He also told me that I may not be able to play any other sports that year and then I went into shock.