Monday, March 31, 2008

Mary Jane Analysis

The thing that I plan to write my fictional story about is Holden ten years later when Holden still has feelings for Jane. Jane moved away to Amsterdam so Holden is missing her like crazy and can't think if he should go and visit her or sit around thinking of her. One day while Holden was smoking he figured out that he is going to write a book for her and then go and see her and give it to her as a love letter kind of thing. Well in the action of starting the book Holden gets addicted to marijuana. He says that it's a stress reliever that he uses to relieve the stress over Jane. He uses it three times a day. Anyways, Holden starts to write the book talking about how he misses this girl that was his high school sweetheart.

He starts to go into all the things that he would do for this girl and the dreams that he has had about her. Holden doesn't give the name of the girl he just calls her the only girl that he has ever trusted. Holden starts to talk about the baseball glove that has these poems all over it and how he only showed it to this girl. Holden talks about all the stories that they had with each other. However, Holden is trying to finish the book but marijuana is taking over his life. Holden doesn't finish the book. He searches for a title that would relate his life about Jane to the book. He names the book Mary Jane because he says that he screwed up getting hooked on marijuana when he was in love with Jane.

Holden takes a trip to Amsterdam and doesn't find Jane so he throws the book away and leaves all stressed. One day when Jane was walking through the park she finds this book and reads it and thinks that this related to Holden and her. She gets sad at herself and flies to New York searching for Holden. She finds Holden and they go out on a date. Jane gets Holden off of marijuana through intervention and they live happily ever after.

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